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How To Paint Your Fence: In 5 Easy Steps

June 2018

It was previously painted about 5 years ago by the previous owner.
My Green Fence #beachandbarkliving

Want to change your fence colour without completely replacing it?!

Our beach home came with this worn out faded green fence that was nothing but an eye sore!

I did not want to replace it because that would be a massive cost and I did not want to spend hours sanding it either!

See below for the colour I chose!

NOW, I love green don't get me wrong! It's the primary colour in nature, but it is so faded, chipping, peeling and just not nice to look at all! I have sat with it for a year now! We have done A TON to the inside of the house, therefore, I don't feel bad taking time to paint this. A year ago, no it was NOT a priority, having a kitchen was!

Now, the most disappointing fact about this fence is that this is the only section of the whole fence which runs about 50 sq feet down this side of our property that is GREEN!

However, the best part about this being the only part of the fence that is green is that I can re-paint it and have it act as a feature wall in our backyard oasis! Then, it was time to decide what colour to paint it and which product to use.

*Below you will find my STEP by STEP process of how I painted my ugly green fence!

I went to our local Home Hardware store which we go to very frequently! We're on a first name basis now! haha Since we are doing the WHOLE HOUSE! I knew there had to be a product I could use over the pre-existing pain or stain they had used on the fence.

I DID NOT want to go through the processof having to sand or scrape all the green off, and I definitely DID NOT want to replace the fence with new fencing just to paint it! I'm not that crazy! Well, maybe somedays! When I spoke with our neighbors they said that they were sure it was paint! But some people that had seen it said it was this day I am still not sure which it is! Oh well! Anyway, the lady in the paint department was AMAZING! She suggested The Beauti-Tone Wood Shield Best, Solid Stain in Clear Base. She told me a had a choice between SOLID and SEMI_TRANSPARENT. Now, being that I wanted to cover a pre existing colour I went with the solid! I wanted an solid finish.

Then I tinted it the custom colour I wanted. See Below!

Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy! It really was that easy! Now, it does go on sale and it was when I bought it.

I was extremely indecisive of the colour to paint it...Black OR White?? I mulled over this for probably the better part of a year! Originally, I thought we would replace it. That was a very short lived idea considering how much work we had to do to make this place livable! So, replacing it was out of the question! I posted all over my instagram asking for HELP in deciding on black OR white. I posted my inspiration photos and asked which one they liked the most! I also did a poll...BLACK was the one liked most.

FYI just so you know, my shed has all white siding, our sectional and outdoor dining table are black, our dining chairs are tan and we have a cement interlocking stone patio. Which, will be covered with a wood deck in the fall but that's a post for the future!

Our seat cushions are off white with black and white stripe pillows....can you picture it???

Follow these 5 Simple STEPS below:

First things first!

Sit on your decision of whether to paint or not for a year. Just kidding! That was just me!

1. Take A Step Back From The Fence

Look at your surroundings and decide how you want this to look in the end? Is it a stand out feature in your yard or do you want it to blend in?

Ie. House colour, the shed if you have one, greenery, flower colours, do you have a coloured stone patio?

2. Choose A Colour!

With Home Hardware's Wood Shield Best you can choose from a variety of

colours that are Solid and Semi-Transparent. Or have them tint it any colour you want!

3. Use the correct tools

The tools I used

These are the tools I chose to use from my local Home Hardware.

4. Screw Driver if you need to remove any gate hardware.

5. Hand sander if you want to remove any paint chips or wood chips. NOT required.

4. Make Sure the Fence is Clean of Debris

I used our power washer just to remove any spider webs and dirt. Then just let it air dry.


*Read the instructions on the side of the can.

Then, put the paint to the brush!

* Check out the video below to see just how EASY and AMAZING this paint is!

The roller was AMAZING, the paint went on so smooth and easy!

I could even get the roller inbetween the boards to do the ones in behind on the top, middle and bottom with no problem!

I used the brush to get the cross pieces and little nooks and crannies.

It took hardly any time to dry! It was FAST! Mind you it was 20+ degrees outside at the time.

* I did TWO COATS and I still have 1/4 of the can left!


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!




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